Wednesday, November 5, 2014

5.B Notes on the Kingdom of God

Basic Questions:
-What is God's cosmic plan for man?
-What is the Church?
-What is the Kingdom of God?

The Church/Kingdom:
-God created man to partake in his divinity.
-Man rejected it.
-God sought to redeem man.
-Man was redeemed through Christ.
-God created a new covenant with man.
-The new chosen people, the Christians, started the Church with Peter as its Pope.
-Jesus taught the Apostles about his kingdom.
-The Holy Spirit guides the Church and gives us grace and salvation.

God's plan for man:
-To share in his divine life.
-To be fullfilled at the end of time.
-To be part of the universal church. 

God makes it possible for man to participate in divine life through:
-The incarnation
-Faith (I Believe)

The Church:
-Assembly of God's people
--Ekklesia, those who are called out
--Qahal, chosen people
--Successors of the Chosen People
---Roots in the Old covenant
-Those redeemed by the Christ
--The role of the Church is to bring redemption to each "Subject"
-Guided by the Holy Spirit.

The Kingdom of God:
-The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
-Christ acting in the hearts of men
-Mankind in communion with the Blessed Trinity

The New Kingdom vs The Old Kingdom:
-The New Kingdom has a Savior, Redemption, and Grace

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